
It is only a matter of time before the Environmental Protection Agency releases the final Clean Power Plan rule. When that happens we have to assure that the communities we fight for every day are represented. Sign our petition and let EPA chair Gina McCarthy know that low and medium income communities of color can not be left behind in this new rule.

Your Message

As a WE ACT member and supporter, I urge you to move forward with a strong final Clean Power Plan Rule and a more protective standard for Ozone(at 60 ppb). The health and well-being of our communities – which are most impacted by air pollution and climate change - are at stake. You have the chance to help low income, and/or communities of color  breathe easier by making environmental justice a key focus of the state planning process for this and all future regulations.  Please add my name to the list!

 What is the Clean Power Plan and what are we asking for?
  • The Clean Power Plan is the EPAs proposal that requires electricity generating facilities to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide – a major air pollutant and driver of climate change -  that is emitted to the air. (http://www2.epa.gov/carbon-pollution-standards)
We want the final Clean Power Plan to require:
  • Community involvement in the state planning process
  • Each state to consider how their plans will effect low-income, communities of color
  • A comprehensive EJ guidance document for states that encourages targeting pollution reduction, clean energy and energy efficiency strategies into overburdened communities. 
 What is Ozone and what are we asking for?
  • Ozone is a pollutant that is formed by the sun and air pollution that comes from cars, power plants and many other sources.

Studies have shown:

Find out more on: www.weact.org/ejcleanair
46 signatures

Will you sign?