By signing on to this petition you can take a stand with us and demand that the EPA do the following:
- The plan must, at minimum, mandate absolute emissions reductions of greenhouse gases and co-pollutants from facilities (both coal-fired, existing and new natural gas plans) located in and near EJ neighborhoods. Cap and Trade or other carbon trading mechanisms should not be an option for achieving emissions reductions.
- The plan should mandate that states – as a part of their state implementation plans - achieve absolute reductions of greenhouse gas and co-pollutant emissions from facilities (both coal-fired, existing and new natural gas plants) located in and near in EJ communities.
- The plan should also mandate that states conduct EJ analyses that: 1) demonstrate the above mentioned emissions reductions in and near EJ communities; and 2) determine the distributive costs and benefits of proposed carbon emission reduction strategies to EJ communities.
- The use of renewable energy and efforts for energy efficiency should be prioritized in EJ communities and state implementation plans must demonstrate this prioritization.
It only takes a minute, let the EPA know that Environmental Justice for Low income communities should be a top priority! Thank you in advance for your support.
Dr. Jalonne L. White-Newsome, WE ACT Federal Policy Analyst
See our website Clean Power, Clean Air, Clean Communities for more information.