WE ACT September 2024 Membership Meeting

All About School: Focus on Environmental Justice

It’s Back-To-School season!

Join WE ACT as we discuss childhood asthma and how we can prevent children’s environmental health inequities with our new Asthma Policy Agenda. We will also be discussing the Green Healthy Schools Initiative and important information surrounding Electric School Buses.

Mark your calendars to join our fantastic discussion!


Todo sobre la escuela: enfoque en la justicia ambiental

Hablaremos sobre:

  • Agenda de políticas sobre el asma
  • Iniciativa de escuelas verdes y saludables
  • Autobús escolar eléctrico

¡Únase a nosotros en persona en una conversación interesante y con un refrigerio ligero!

Location: TBD - Ubicación por determinar

September 14, 2024 at 10:00am - 1pm

Who's RSVPing

Will you come?